Vocal Works
As Rain That Waters
Thirsty Sand,
2002 (2.5 min)
for Mom on
her 80th birthday
Medium Voice and Piano
Text: David A. Robb
Songs of Light and Hope
2000-03 (7.5 min.)
Medium Voice (bar. or
mez.) and Piano
1. From Dawn's
First Song (for Frank Martignetti)
2. Horizon of Hope (for
John Thornburg)
3. This Is a
Light-Year (for Carson, Christmas 2003)
Text: John Thornburg
Published by Zimbel
Download MP3 files of
this work: song
1, song
2, song
What Song Can We Sing?,
2003 (3 min.)
Soprano, Oboe, and Organ
Text: John Thornburg
Commissioned by Carson Cooman
You Are My Shepherd, Lord,
1997 (2 min.)
Tenor Solo and Keyboard
Text: Cynthia Sharp
You Are the Silver,
You Are the Gold!,
2002 (2 min.)
for Dave
and Ethel Robb
Medium Voice and Piano
Text: David A. Robb |